For more information or to get involved please email:

We have a closed Facebook group for those wanting to be involved.  Please contact us to be invited.

We are creating a Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt for Hampshire & IOW inspired by Greater Manchester Suicide Memorial Quilt in 2020 and Yorkshire Speak Their Name project in 2023.

The quilts have been taken around the county and displayed in numerous venues. This will be the longer-term plan for this project.

The Memorial Quilts are made of 48  unique squares, each one created by someone bereaved by suicide.

Our aim is to produce 2 quilts  and we are working with the community and have already built a network of agencies and charities who work with people bereaved by suicide.

We have held a few workshops where we  invited people to come along to create a material square to honour their loved ones.  Help is on hand from our team, but the idea is that the work is completed by the person bereaved.

We have spoken at length to contacts in Greater Manchester and Yorkshire and are able to use their ideas, designs, and promotional material.

Timescale : to be displayed at the “Let’s get talking about suicide” on September 7th 2024 in Victoria Park in Portsmouth. It will then tour the county for a period of time.  Currently arranging dates & Venues (12.06.24)