Straight from Instagram
I’m a bit OCD
"I'm a bit OCD"…a phrase you probably hear on a regular-ish basis. Chances are the person saying it is referring to their preference for things to be undertaken in a certain way. The phrase [...]
Waterlooville Music and Art FEST 2024
We had the honour of hosting the Creative Zone at Waterlooville Music and Art FEST this Summer. It was wonderful to see so many local residents come out to get involved and enjoy what was [...]
Alcohol awareness week 2024: 1-7th Jul
On 1st August 2020, I made an immediate decision to stop drinking alcohol after a mental health crisis that scared me. Although I wasn’t drunk all the time or drinking all the time, I [...]
Meet Maryna
Meet Maryna, our superstar from the Ukraine bringing people together through art. Maryna is a Ukrainian artist who studied drawing and fine art as part of her degree in fashion design. Back in April 2023, [...]
We are Creatful – Elodi
Elodi Fellows is one of our directors and supports our business strategy. You may have seen her at one of our events but she mainly helps out in the background."Hello, I'm Elodi. I am a proud [...]
We are Creatful – Lara
Lara Kynvin is one of our directors and volunteers, if you've been to our events you may have crafted with her. Lara supports our strategy around mental health awareness and suicide prevention. In 2023 Lara [...]